Oral Surgery
We perform all surgical procedures under local anesthesia. They are completely painless and therefore not uncomfortable for our patients.
The most common procedures in oral surgery are:
- tooth extraction,
- root resection
- premolarization or partial extraction of the teeth,
- removal of wisdom teeth and
- apicotomy and cyst removal.
In addition to the above procedures, oral surgery also includes several other important procedures such as implantology, tumor and cyst removal, bone structure interventions, sinus lifts related to implantology, and others.
In oral surgery, we use both Biolase lasers carefully because the healing of laser interventions is faster and with fewer complications.
Information and ordering
The person responsible for information and ordering is:
Urška Šitum Rečnik, dr. dent. med., director of the company
Ordering in the doctor’s office
or by mail:
Zobek dentalni center, d.o.o
Metelkova 48, 2000 Maribor
Phone Number
for information and ordering:
+386 51 266 686
for information and ordering:
Online form
for information and ordering:
Why choose us?
Professional education
Year after year, we strive to upgrade our knowledge and to follow all newly established trends and guidelines.
Rich experiences
During our several decades of operation, we have acquired and developed together with patients rich experiences that help us create smiles on the faces of our patients day after day.
State-of-the-art technology
In addition to one of the most modern lasers, only the most modern and advanced technology is available to patients at the Zobek Dental Center.